2025 ASA Legislative Fly In on Capitol Hill & ASA Board Meeting

Registration Fee $199
TUESDAY, 6/10/25
8:00am - 4:00pm - Board Meeting
4:00pm - Fly In Prep Session
6:30pm - Capitol Hill Reception @ The Monocle
7:00pm - Capitol Hill Dinner @ The Monocle
WEDNESDAY, 6/11/24
8:00am - 5:00pm - Capitol Hill Visits
5:00pm - Reception at the Dubliner - Sponsored by ASA of Metro Washington
To reserve rooms, use the link below or call 202-448-2097 and request the rate for American Subcontractors Association.
When using the link, you must choose the check-in date, check-out date, and select "confirm dates of stay."
HOTEL CUTOFF DATE is May 09, 2025.
If you are arriving pre/post program dates, please call 202-448-2097 and the hotel will make the booking based on the rate and room availability.